‘Crystal’ Winters

Crystal watched through the frosted windows of the farmhouse. The scarred wood panes had been scraped beyond repair. She reminisced and enjoyed the beauty of the icy winters in Canada. She felt like the conifers in the ice, alive and green. Even though she had gone abroad when young, she was here every year.

No family wanted to live here anymore, the city life had whisked them away.

How did they have the heart to leave her alone?

How could they sell the house their ancestors had built? Heartless.

The pain of solitude was heart wrenching and it felt as much as it was a wound. Wait! was she supposed to feel that pain?

Suddenly hovering, her eyes fell on a plaque embedded near the entrance.

1998 – 2009
Your paws’ prints eternally
stay in our hearts!

Oh, so she was the one who’d left this world!

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