Home / A Christmas Song
A Christmas Song
- a Poem
- by Popsie Ebenezer

It’s a festive time as Christmas is here
A season of hope, a season of cheer
A time to remember how Jesus was born
In a manger of a stable, all forlorn
The angels sang and announced His birth
Which would be a blessing to all on earth
Shepherds and Kings both visited the child
Sleeping peacefully, looking meek and mild
Christ chose humility over pomp and show
And wants us too in His likeness to grow
He blessed his enemies and reached out to the poor
Teaching us to look beyond grandeur
If we follow His lead and spread love and peace
The worries of this world shall surely decrease
And Christmas then won’t be just a day
Merry Christmas to all we won’t just say
But we’d live out our love, our peace and our joy
To every woman, man, girl and boy