Home / Fire and Ice
Fire and Ice
- a Poem
- by Rachna Huria
Views: 152

Like ice that cools the drink in a glass,
There’s a calm beneath your wings.
A little hope and lots of passion,
can light the fire within.
Don’t judge me by my frozen demeanour,
I am not always cold;
Just light a splinter close to me
and see my soul unfold.
There’s oft a story of fire and ice,
been told n retold
But never one that winds your passion,
to make it clear and bold.
Like day and night can never meet
Nor can fire and Ice,
But whence your faith and will is strong,
It’s a special moment of embrace of the paradox!
Rachna Huria
from Noida, in Uttar Pradesh, India is an educationist by qualification and a counsellor by passion. She likes to flow with the wind, taking every experience along all nicely stringed, she says. To her, each moment is a learning - a credo that she lives by, and seeks to remain positive and a fun person spreading smiles around.

1 thought on “Fire and Ice”
Wow !! Love it 🙂