Home / Victory
- a Short Story
- by Ashmita Srivastava

“Grandma, when is Dad coming back?”, asked little Bela.
“Soon, very soon, dear.”, said her grandmother with uncertainty in her voice.
India was under the British colonial rule, and Bela’s father was sent overseas to fight for the British cause in World War II.
Bela was eagerly waiting for her father’s return. She had made a beautiful drawing which she wanted to show him.
Months passed, when one day there was a knock on their door. Bela exclaimed excitedly, “It must be Dad! I’m sure it’s him.”
She ran to open the door, but instead found a soldier standing with his head bent low.
Bela understood. Her grandmother started wailing loudly.
Britain had won, but Bela had lost.
Victory, is considered gain by war-mongers. But in the words of Chief Seattle, old men who stay at home in times of war and mothers who have sons to lose, know better.