Home / Dr. Sunshine
Dr. Sunshine
- a Short Story
- by Suman Mukherjee

Dr. Bornik Mitra walked past the hospital hallway towards the Intensive Care Unit. He was always like a calm summer breeze and spoke with such love that showed great emotional warmth, the reason his patients called him Dr. Sunshine.
He entered the ICU and looked at the male patient. The artificial ventilator was working non-stop, the intravenous infusions via tubes dripping down his veins. The history of the patient revealed that he suffered from a developmental disorder caused by damage to the brain before his birth. The condition was irreversible. He would continue to be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life.
Dr. Mitra stood there for a while and then switched off the ventilator. The patient twiddled for a few seconds and then lay still.
Dr. Sunshine came out of the ICU with a smile. He had just relieved his own brother of his life-long misery.