Home / Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis
- a Short Story
- by Baishali Dey
Views: 197

Away from the gruelling world, tucked within the arctic circle in Tromso at nightfall, not a leaf moved. By the crackling of fire sat a couple holding hands, oblivious to the world.
Suddenly there it was! Streaking across the sky. Green, pink. Who was painting with such maniacal glee? Swirls of colours raided the sky! They ran across circling and erupting in unending patterns. Breathless and speechless we kept gaping. A gust of cold wind momentarily numbed us. Walking away we stole one last glance at the colourful canopy.
Was this the origin of halo which adorn Gods? Goosebumps!! Hearts pounding, we retraced our steps, euphoric, after a meeting most sublime!
Baishali Dey
from Indore, in Madhya Pradesh, India, is an English teacher, prior to which, she worked with charitable trusts in the UK. With a passion for all things in literature, Baishali writes poems as a hobby.
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