Home / Teary Eyes
Teary Eyes
- a Poem
- by Ambika Sinha
Views: 207
Those teary eyes said more than the moving lips
The sorrow underneath didn’t need any explanations
We covered it with the curve known as smile
We continued life as if it’s worthwhile
Those talks which we longed for ages
The silence broke it all
It had deep meaning, but unknown to both of us
The scar was healing extracting all the puss
The surreal moment, the enchanting magic
Became true the moment I was in front of you
That incomplete happiness, dripped from our eyes
Our vision was blurred while the world was clear and concise
We held ourselves together, as if it’s all fine
Acting like a blind, waiting for our chance, we felt like an old wine
Ambika Sinha
from Bangalore, India, was born in the Indian state of Bihar. She believes there is no better way to express than to write. To her, writing is a passion that provides a spark turning her thoughts into poems.
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