Home / Past and Future
Past and Future
- a Poem
- by Ambika Sinha
Views: 168

Once there was a guy named Present
Wanting nothing but happiness
To be in peace and let everyone in peace
He met another person named Past
Who was full of lessons and regrets
Some good moments and some mistakes
He met Future while partying with Past
Future full of confusion and doubts, but too lucrative to pass
With imaginary milestones and possibilities to reach Mars
Present stopped seeing the present in present
Trapped between Past and Future
He created a boundary so hard to crack
Past and Future smirked, didn’t allow it to break
Present suffered keeping his heart at stake
Ambika Sinha
from Bangalore, India, was born in the Indian state of Bihar. She believes there is no better way to express than to write. To her, writing is a passion that provides a spark turning her thoughts into poems.