Home / A Man Can Hope
A Man Can Hope
- a Poem
- by Kushagra Pandey
Views: 43

A man can hope,
If he’s drowning in a massive sea,
Water as far as eyes can see,
For a fisher, who rowed long that day,
To espy him and steer his way.
A man can hope,
If thirst ensures Eternal Rest,
The idea of hope looks
All but a jest,
For the sky to writhe and roar that day
And send a barrage of drops his way.
Despair keeps its door
Open to all
At all times.
But the bell of hope
lies at the core
Of Existence. There it sways
And chimes
At all times.
Kushagra Pandey
from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh in India, a physics graduate and a trained teacher is currently studying anthropology and humanities. Having been enamoured with the written word since his early days, Kushagra is ‘stirred’ by Epic fantasy, and has only recently, seriously taken to writing.