Home / My Masters and Me
My Masters and Me
- a Poem
- by Baishali Dey

I asked my mind to tame itself,
Dark thoughts it has to repel.
My mind retaliated,
Was quite infuriated,
Said to me, ‘You have the switch. If there is a glitch, only you can fix.’
I tried and tried,
Till I felt quite fried.
As I was tossed between my heart and my mind,
I tried to find the switch, feeling rather mystified.
Soon I found myself ducking for cover,
My heart and my mind kept blaming each other.
‘Who am I? Do I have the switch?
My nervous introspection reached a feverish pitch.
Relentlessly I sat mulling,
‘Was I like that sandwich filling,
That keeps itself from breaking and falling.
While balancing between the fiery mind and crusty heart?’
Of this I have no inkling.
My heart and my mind,
Am I their master, or they, mine?
The switch, I wonder,
Will it be found only by intervention divine?

6 thoughts on “My Masters and Me”
Superb! As alwayss.
Straight from your heart ?
Fabulous ma’am
Thought provoking !
It’s beautiful… great job ma’am.
Awesome work maám. Story of ours. 🙂