Home / Fall
- a Poem
- by Baishali Dey
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The colours could no longer keep pace,
With the lord’s themes,
And his unique and beautiful schemes.
So a meeting was called,
All other work in heaven was stalled.
The maker summoned and the colours made haste.
They never let a moment go waste.
On earth there was pall of gloom,
Hope though was growing in every womb.
The colours had been working overtime,
For none on earth was happy and fine,
The maker took a final call,
The beauteous colours…. he asked them to Fall.
Baishali Dey
from Indore, in Madhya Pradesh, India, is an English teacher, prior to which, she worked with charitable trusts in the UK. With a passion for all things in literature, Baishali writes poems as a hobby.

2 thoughts on “Fall”
Simply awesome
Lovely poem. ??