Home / Crossroads
- a Poem
- by Deepti Kuttan Pillai
Views: 220

A road runs beneath me,
from where I stand, I can see
it meandering to oblivion.
The road on which vehicles rode,
in a serpentine line,
panting, heaving, praying for
interference from the divine,
now lies bare.
But, not the crossroad,
that leads to the cemetery.
I notice people queuing up
on that road,
not unlike the ants’ trail.
Is it irony or a happy coincidence,
a necessity or an aberration?
That there are no crossroads at the
final destination.
Deepti Kuttan Pillai
from Chennai, in Tamil Nadu, India, is a foodie, movie-buff, and a dreamer to boot! She finds cooking and baking, therapeutic, as these help her to de-stress. She enjoys writing because it makes her a better person, she feels.

2 thoughts on “Crossroads”
superb ??
Nicely expressed.