Home / A Kiss in the Rain
A Kiss in the Rain
- a Poem
- by Suman Mukherjee

Oh! The rain, swashing on your face,
Hold my hand, let’s dance in grace,
A tender kiss, a note of love,
The drops are pearls, as pure as a dove.
The puddles across the blacktop,
As you sway your feet,
A magical splash as you hold on to me,
That divine grace of beauty,
Washing away an unseen pain,
As our lips lock together in that rush of rain.
There you are, an impressionist masterpiece,
As if the world ceases to exist but our hearts, at peace,
A tender moment that just doesn’t wait,
A burst of love and a mutual need,
That sweet humming sound of the wet cool breeze,
I hold your hand, now down on my knees.
Tears in your eyes,
Or is it the rain?
Behind wild waves of your dark wet hair,
I can see your pain.
As you still smile, holding my hand again.