Home / A Drizzle of Hope
A Drizzle of Hope
- a Poem
- by Gayathri Durairaj
Views: 179
Awakened with fervour,
With the smell of dampness,
A sight to undoubtedly savour.
How beautiful is this madness?
Trickling humble rain drops,
Sounds of whispering thunderous bullets,
Heavy, flashy lightning spots,
The sky enveloped in cloud blankets.
Rain cleanses the suffering
Daunted by a dry epidemic
But the world still lies stained…
A flooded bloody pandemic!
Droplets fill the heavy eyelashes,
Water puddles deck the way
As you swish through the swishy holes,
Just reconcile, it’s life’s little bay.
Wet but spirits not cold
Strangely spring into celebration!
A time to be warm and bold
Hope fills hearts in bright anticipation!
Gayathri Durairaj
from Hong Kong, is a writer, poet and a global nomad. An economist by training, Gayathri ran a Writers’ club at the American School of Bombay where she spearheaded 3 anthologies. Her works have been published in many magazines. ‘Quintessential Me’ was published as her 1st book of poems and she’s currently working on her second.